Inspiration as a woodworker and creator comes from many different places. Sometimes it’s the workshop. Sometimes it’s while I’m out driving. Sometimes it’s from a generic mainstream mass produced ‘thing’ in a store.
During some errands the other day at a popular chain store, I came across this mini serving board. The light wood caught my eye. I really liked the edge chamfer on it as well. While it might seem like an overly simple or “boring” piece to many, it sparked a bit of inspiration in me as a woodworker.
First, I knew that it was built cheap and for speed – NOT a lifetime of quality and use. That motivated me to keep focusing on what I do with each and every project I tackle which is to built something to last and so it looks truly unique.
Second, while it visually caught my eye seeing five of them stacked on the shelf was a reminder that the true art & craftsmanship of woodworking is a time tested tradition and a skillset that I possess. I think that’s awesome.
Looking for more inspiration and motivation with your projects? Here are a few of my how to tips on making the creativity flow a bit easier.
KEEP LISTS & FOLDERS – I have a shortcut on my desktop that has an ideas list (nothing is too wild to write down on this one) as well as folders for projects or crafts I think are cool. I have SO many images saved that I organize them into sub folders (ie. – large tables – benches – smaller items – etc.). This allows me to index and reference things when I am working on something new or fresh.
TUNE OUT THE NOISE – Social media can be great. It can also crush you to pieces. Why? Nowadays it’s often a comparison tool (whether it’s conscious or subconscious – it’s there). When you see a ‘cool build’ online or a ‘wild project’ that someone has done on social media your brain has been programmed to compare yourself to that person or to that project. Cut that out! Practice time away from these devices to just freely build and create.
STOP SEEKING – If you find yourself lacking inspiration for the next project or build – STOP TRYING! This sounds counterintuitive but it works. It’s as if you’re trying super hard to remember the thing your brain just forgot 15 seconds ago. It was something related to the current topic but as hard as you try you can’t remember it. Then (usually a short time later) your brain sparks and remembers what it was. Inspiration can often parallel this. Stop pushing and trying so hard and creativity often times will flow in your direction and you’ll hit the ground running again.
What are your how-to tips on inspiration? What motivates you as a woodworker?