Details can often be overlooked. Why? Are they unimportant? Insignificant? Perhaps they are too tedious to be bothered with? There are dozens of reasons why folks skip out on details sometimes…but here are a few reasons not to.
SMALL THINGS BIG RESULTS – The time old saying of “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is used interchangeably throughout many industries including woodworking & custom furniture. This stands true today just as it did five years ago and 50 years ago. Small steps (also sometimes called details) add up to big forward progress.
DON’T LOOK BACKWARDS – The best way to sabotage progress is to look backwards. Why would you look backwards on a project, you’re not going that way! Well, the sad reality is that skipping steps or details may mean you have to look backwards, GO backwards and redo things. Follow the process you lay out and make sure the small steps are done and done well.
STAY ORGANIZED – This one sounds cliché or silly to even say out loud – but it’s a must! On any given project there can be hundreds of details, many of which have to happen in order (or a flow) for a project to come together. Having them organized on a “white sheet” or “one sheet” or even just a simple itinerary can be huge for staying focused and on track.
What works for you with being organized and staying on track? How are you making sure not to sand with 220 grit and then 120 grit 😉 😉